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Lokal ileri larinks (gırtlak) kanserinde hipertermi / kemoradyoterapi ile sadece kemoradyoterapi sonuçlarının karşılaştırılması

Lokal ileri larinks (gırtlak) kanserinde hipertermi / kemoradyoterapi ile sadece kemoradyoterapi sonuçlarının karşılaştırılması

Lokal ileri larinks (gırtlak) kanserinde hipertermi / kemoradyoterapi ile sadece kemoradyoterapi sonuçlarının karşılaştırılması

Comparative results of conservative chemoradiotherapy and thermochemoradiotherapy for locally advanced laryngeal cancer.


Vopr Onkol. 2014;60(5):602-6.

Kurpeshev OK, Andreev VG, Pankratov VA, Gulidov IA, Orlova AV.


There were analyzed results of treatment of 58 patients with laryngeal cancer T3-4N0-3M0. Chemoradiotherapy (CRT) was carried out in 27 patients, thermochemoradiotherapy (TCRT)-in 31 patients. Radiotherapy (RT) was performed in hyperfractionated mode (1 Gy + 1 Gy with an interval of 4-5 hours) 5 times a week to CTD 52-60 Gy with a 2-week break after CTD 30-40 Gy. Local hyperthermia (LHT) was carried out 2 times a week before the second fraction of RT in an amount of 3-6 sessions. The first cycle of polychemotherapy was administered at the beginning of RT and the second one-after the break. The local control under the primary tumor category T3 after CRT was equal to 58% and after TCRT--88%, at T4--72% and 25%, respectively. Late radiation damage of the larynx in the form of mucosal edema and perichondritis after CRT was in 2 patients (7%) and after TCRT--in 3 patients (10%). Thus, TCRT for locally advanced laryngeal cancer allows obtaining a higher overall survival and a local control as compared to CRT and does not lead to a significant increase of frequency of perichondritis.